
Hello friends and welcome to my blog! My name is Amanda I am excited to start my blogging journey with you!

The inspiration for my blog came from my family and from my roommates. I grew up doing whatever I could to make others happy. My parents motivated me to help others, to be friendly and kind. I grew up doing girl scouts and volunteering with my Mom. In elementary school I participated every volunteering opportunity given to me, and I think that really helped shape the person I am today.

My roommate inspired another aspect of my blog. One afternoon at the beach my roommate did a random act of kindness by putting money in a expired meter. We soon later realized the meters stopped charging at 5 pm and it was 6:15 pm. Her selflessness, even though probably wasn’t as helpful as she thought, gave me the inspiration to add a random act of kindness part to my blog.

What is a random act of kindness? Glad you asked. According to Wikipedia; “A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or people. Either spontaneous or planned, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities”. So my plan with this blog is to share ideas of random acts of kindness you can participate in, spread kindness and finally share some information about the “science of happiness”. 🙂

Here is something for you to think about for the week:

Stumbling_on_HappinessIn the book “Stumbling on Happiness” by Daniel Gilbert he says “Feelings just don’t matter- they are what mattering means” (Gilbert 71). I spent time reflecting on this quote and what it means. I believe feelings are not just these little things that come and go, your entire existence is just a compilation of feelings. If you think of your feelings as your happiness. it is not just a thing that will come around every once and a while, Your entire life is circled around your happiness. It should be your goal in life to be as happy as you can be.

Now go dazzle the world with your brilliance! XOXO

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